Friday, March 7, 2014

Symmetrical Designs and colorwheels

StFor our latest project we Combined different concepts in art to create Color wheels. After classroom discussion on both color and symmetry, students were asked to create a symmetrical design using overlapping geometric shapes. on this sheet.

Color wheel sketch sheet
 Most came out like this.
After the sketch is done and students have made space for all 12 colors in the CW the next step is to complete the half sheet. Line quality and neatness are a high priority for this segment of the project.
Students then traced their half sheet to both sides. This process will ensure symmetry for the final stage of the project.
Students are only allowed to use tempra Red Yellow and Blue for the final stage. In this segment students work In a self contained situation. We set up a no talking policy (while painting) this heightens the focus. Also this forces students to problem solve on their own. I try to promote a self discovery process during painting.

Major topic and vocabulary are:
Complimentary colors

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