Monday, October 6, 2014

Positive space- Negative space

In class we are discussing positive and negative space and its role in our currant project.

Students are asked to Bring in a full page (Color or Black and White) image of their favorite action pose.

We discussed the how an image needs to truly display the action and be recognizable for it to be successful as a silhouette.

Once their image is traced on their working space students will use line and color to separate Positive and Negative space.

This Picture displays a GREAT outer edge or silhouette.

This picture is NOT a good example as it requires too much "interior detail" to recognize the action.

All images MUST have the following:
- Printed Full Page
- show entire body top of the head to bottom of the feet
- top of the head must be within 1 inch of the top of the paper while the bottom of the feet must be with in 1 inch of the bottom of the paper- ensuring the action is about 9-10 inches tall.

I can assist in printing for any student that may be having trouble printing.


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