Tuesday, September 24, 2013

floor plan folder

Every year I start the year with a project in Memory and spacial relations.

The folder Floor plan:

Students are asked to choose one floor in their dwelling (whatever it may be) and STEP 1: draw from memory where wall doors and windows might go. STEP 2: Draw any furniture, thinking of how much space these items take up and how they might look from a birds eye view. After they have successfully drawn all furniture they are asked to color using colored pencils trying to stay as color correct as possible and use a process demonstrated in class to show depth in their color. STEP 3: is to draw in any detail such as- Plates by the sink or shoes by the door, towels in the bathroom, magazines on the table.

This project makes the kids make decisions that are based in reality and make grounded connections to art basic math, color, spacial and size relations, and memory skills.

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