Tuesday, September 10, 2013

WELCOME BACK!!!!!!!!!!

well here we go again, another year but what is new for the students is new for me too.

My name is Sean Mohammed, students know me as Mr. MO, I have been teaching art in Mahopac for 16 years, but mostly at the High School. I grew up in Mahopac and graduated from the HS in 1993. I attended the School of Visual Arts. where I double majored in Illustration and Art education. I worked toward my MS at Western Connecticut State University while working as a teacher at Mahopac early in my career.

I have 3 kids a 7th grader and 2- 4th graders, I live about 40 minutes away and like many of you my wife and I juggle a busy Lacrosse, Football, basketball & cheer schedule. Life is fun.

My class is very simple: I teach based off the elements and principles of art and design, using a variety of medium students will create works of art that will in some cases be purposeful and genuinely fulfilling. My intent is to have every student to leave at the end of the school year with a sense of accomplishment and a new level of interest in the arts that wasn't there before.

Classes are expected to follow the uniform school adopted C.A.R.E.S. program.

Middle School grading Rubric:
            1.  Neatness of Design (Craftsmanship)
            2.  Creativity
            3.  Effort (willingness to try)
            4.  Following directions
            5.  Use of art terms
            6.  Behavior- as per C.A.R.E.S.
            7.  Follow up statement- Descriptive paragraph attached to project using specific terms to help guide student through the development of the project.

Every project begins with teacher demonstration using all techniques and terms the students are expected to use throughout the time provided to work. Some projects will have a direction sheet which will be made available for students to follow if needed. I am a promoter of student accountability, having taught at the High School level I recognize the importance of holding one’s self to a set of standards can be invaluable in all areas of education and life.

            100%- Only accomplished when finished early and student uses time toward Extra Credit projects (Common)
95% - Completed project on time while taking extra steps toward effort and behavioral rules, following the directions and using appropriate materials. (Common)
90% - Completed project on time while following the directions and using appropriate materials. (Common)
85% - Completed project while following the directions and using appropriate materials. (Common)
80% - Completed project with medium amount of effort, while following the directions and using appropriate materials. (UN- Common)
75% - Completed project with low amount of effort, while following the directions and using appropriate materials. (UN- Common)
70% - Completed project with lower amount of effort, behavior is sometimes an issue with this grade. (UN- Common)
65% - Completed project with no effort to follow directions or attempt to ask for assistance. (UN- Common)
55% - Incomplete with no attempt to finish project. (UN- Common)

EFFORT IS PARAMOUNT TO SUCCESS- We are trying to develop skills and a basic understanding of art and design. 6th grade and 8th grade will be graded using the same rubric, however 8th grade students will have a higher level of accountability.

A multiple choice final exam will be administered at the end of the year and count as a full project grade.

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